We are pleased to invite you to attend the 1st Conference of the Timing Research Forum to be held in Strasbourg, France from October 23-25, 2017.
This international, multi-disciplinary meeting will encompass all aspects of timing research (duration, temporal resolution, rhythms etc.) from a variety of different approaches (experimental psychology, neuroscience, modeling, clinical, philosophy). The emphasis will be on oral and poster presentations by young researchers, with interaction between junior and senior researchers strongly encouraged.
The conference will take place on the university campus in central Strasbourg:
Conference Center
22, rue Descartes
67000 Strasbourg
Strasbourg is located on the border of Germany, and is the symbol of peace between France and Germany. Together with Brussels, it is recognized as the capital of Europe. With its rich medieval history and multicultural influence, it was named a UNESCO world heritage site in 1998. It is an ancient University town, whose current research is recognized for its excellence.
Submission guidelines
The conference will include 3 keynote lectures from junior and senior researchers, and several themed symposia, oral sessions, and poster presentations. We invite you to submit abstracts for oral and poster sessions and/or proposals to organize symposia. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by members of the scientific committee, which will be composed by the TRF Committee members, and the conference organizers.
Symposia (deadline: May 1, 2017):
8 Symposia will be selected from submitted proposals. Each symposium must be themed around a single topic and will include 3 oral presentations of 20 minutes (+ 5 minutes questions) organized by a chairperson, who can also be a presenter. There can be 4 oral presentations if preferred, but the total duration of the symposium should not exceed 1 hour and 15 minutes. The chairperson is responsible for submitting the symposium proposal and for recruiting speakers. Symposia on current topics and of a multidisciplinary nature are encouraged.
Symposium proposals should include the following:
- The name, contact information, and affiliation of the symposium chairperson.
- A title
- A brief abstract describing the symposium’s objective and topics to be covered (maximum 500 words, references included).
- Up to 5 keywords.
- The title of each presentation, with a listing of proposed speakers, their affiliations and contact information. For multi-author papers, please underline the presenter.
- A short abstract for each presentation (max 150 words with references)
- Abbreviations must be spelled out in full at their first use. Do not use abbreviations in the title. Use only standard abbreviations.
If your symposium proposal is not accepted, the abstracts will be automatically re-considered for poster or oral presentation.
Oral and Poster sessions (deadline: May 1, 2017)
There will be two short oral sessions, each containing 6 presentations of 12 minutes (+ 3 minutes for questions). There will be two poster sessions, and around 15 posters will be selected for oral blitz presentation (5 minutes). Abstracts for poster and oral presentations should include the following:
- A title that clearly defines the work addressed.
- Name and affiliation of the authors. For multi-author papers, please underline the presenter and provide their contact information.
- An abstract describing the specific goal of the study, the methods used, a summary of the results, and a conclusion. The abstract should not exceed 300 words (references included).
- Up to 5 keywords.
- Abbreviations must be spelled out in full at their first use. Do not use abbreviations in the title. Use only standard abbreviations.
- Do not add formatting. Italic, bold, tabs or extra spaces will not appear in the final program.
- Your preference of oral or poster presentation.
- Specify whether you wish to apply for a student travel grant (see below).
All selected abstracts and symposium proposals will be published in a special issue of the Timing and Time Perception Reviews journal.
Student travel grants:
We offer a small number of student grants. Please mention that you wish to apply for a grant at the end of your abstract. Grants will be awarded by the committee based on the quality and interest of the abstract.
Registration fees:
Early bird (deadline: June 30):
100 € for students
125 € for post-docs
200 € for PIs
Regular registration (deadline: September 23):
150 € for students
200 € for post-docs
300 € for PIs
Late/Onsite (deadline: October 23):
200 € for students
275 € for post-docs
400 € for PIs
Registration will be free for speakers/symposia organizers, as well as for students of the University of Strasbourg (who supports the conference). Registration fees will cover a buffet lunch for all 3 days of the conference, as well as coffee breaks and social events.
Conference website:
The website for the conference will be launched soon, and will provide more details about the program, venue, as well as practical information. Abstract submission and registration will be coordinated via the website. For any queries, please email Anne Giersch at trf.strasbourg@orange.fr.
Anne Giersch, University of Strasbourg &
Jenny Coull, Aix-Marseille Université & CNRS