January 2017 Newsletter of the Timing Research Forum

Dear all,

Wish you all a wonderful New Year!

We are pleased to share the January 2017 Newsletter of the Timing Research Forum.

  1. TRF Membership Statistics

Website:               454 members (+9.4%)

ResearchGate:     154 followers (+92.5%)

Twitter:                  178 followers (+20.3%)

Facebook:             181 followers (+19.9%)

The statistics reveal that we have a highly active research community that continues to grow! Please join us on these platforms to discuss and share research on timing and time perception.

  1. 1st Conference of the Timing Research Forum (TRF1)

We are pleased to share details of the 1st Conference of TRF and announce the call for symposia and abstracts as below.

Date:          October 23-25, 2017

Venue:       University of Strasbourg, 22 Rue Descartes, Strasbourg, France

Organizers: Anne Giersch & Jenny Coull

Scientific committee:   TRF Committee Members & conference organizers

Contact: Anne Giersch – trf.strasbourg@orange.fr

Call for Symposia (deadline: May 1, 2017)

8 Symposia will be selected from submitted proposals. Each symposium must be focused on a single topic and will include 3 oral presentations of 20 minutes (+ 5 minutes questions) organized by a chairperson, who can also be a presenter. There can be 4 oral presentations if preferred, but the total duration of the symposium should not exceed 1 hour and 15 minutes.  The chairperson is responsible for submitting the symposium proposal and for recruiting speakers.  Symposia on current topics and of a multidisciplinary nature are encouraged.

Symposium proposals should include the following:

  • The name, contact information, and affiliation of the symposium chairperson.
  • A title
  • A brief abstract describing the symposium’s objective and topics to be covered (maximum 500 words, references included).
  • Up to 5 keywords.
  • The title of each presentation, with a list of proposed speakers, their affiliations and contact information. For multi-author papers, please underline the presenter.
  • A short abstract for each presentation (max 150 words with references)
  • Abbreviations must be spelled out in full at their first use. Do not use abbreviations in the title. Use only standard abbreviations.

If your symposium proposal is not accepted, the abstracts will be automatically re-considered for poster or oral presentation.


Call for Abstracts for Talks & Posters (deadline: May 1, 2017)

There will be two short oral sessions, each containing 6 presentations of 12 minutes (+ 3 minutes for questions).  

There will be two poster sessions, and around 15 posters will be selected for oral blitz presentation (5 minutes).

Abstracts for poster and oral presentations should include the following:

  • A title that clearly defines the work addressed.
  • Name and affiliation of the authors.  For multi-author papers, please underline the presenter and provide their contact information.
  • An abstract describing the specific goal of the study, the methods used, a summary of the results, and a conclusion.  The abstract should not exceed 300 words (references included).
  • Up to 5 keywords.
  • Abbreviations must be spelled out in full at their first use. Do not use abbreviations in the title. Use only standard abbreviations.
  • Do not add formatting. Italic, bold, tabs or extra spaces will not appear in the final program.
  • Your preference of oral or poster presentation.
  • Specify whether you apply for a student travel grant (see below).

All selected abstracts and symposium proposals will be published in a special issue of the Timing and Time Perception Reviews journal.

The website for the conference will be launched soon, and will provide more details about the program, venue, as well as practical information. Abstract submission and registration will be coordinated via the website. For any queries, please contact Anne Giersch at – trf.strasbourg@orange.fr.

III. TRF Blogs

We have a number of excellent blogs reviewing recent papers on timing and time perception by a number of promising early career researchers. Please read, share, comment and discuss! If you’d also like to contribute as a blogger, please get in touch: trf@timingforum.org.

Frequency tagging indexes cortical entrainment related to temporal prediction

Bronson Harry

MARCS Institute, University of Western Sydney

Controlling Time Perception using Optogenetics

Mukesh Makwana

Centre of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences, University of Allahabad, India

Time-dependency in perceptual decision-making

Bharath Talluri

University Medical Centre, Hamburg-Eppendorf

Visual cortex responses reflect temporal structure of continuous quasi-rhythmic sensory stimulation

Molly Henry

University of Western Ontario

Temporal statistical regularity results in a bias of perceived timing

Bharath Talluri

University Medical Centre, Hamburg-Eppendorf

Mental context biases retrospective temporal judgements

Bronson Harry

MARCS Institute, University of Western Sydney

Society for Neuroscience 2016

Molly Henry

University of Western Ontario


Does Sense of Smell affect Sense of Time?

Mukesh Makwana

Centre of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences, University of Allahabad, India

Do beta oscillations predict the timing of upcoming stimuli?

Ryszard Auksztulewicz

Oxford Centre for Human Brain Activity

Beat keeping in a Sea Lion as Coupled Oscillation: Implications for comparative understanding of human rhythm

Molly Henry

University of Western Ontario


  1. Blog your paper

We would like to invite TRF members to submit short summaries of their recently published articles on timing. Articles should be no longer than 500 words and not include more than one representative figure.

Please submit your entries after your paper is published by emailing us at trf@timingforum.org. Submissions are open anytime and will be featured on the TRF blog page – https://timingforum.org/category/blog/.

  1. Blog your conference

We would like to invite TRF members to write about their experience of a timing conference/meeting/workshop that they have recently attended. Submissions can highlight prominent talks/papers presented, new methods, trends and your personal views about the conference. Pictures may also be included. Submissions should be no longer than 1000 words.

Please submit your entries to trf@timingforum.org within two months from the date of the conference.

For example, see Molly Henry’s blog on the state of timing research at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Conference – Society for Neuroscience 2016.


  1. Timing projects on ResearchGate

We would like to invite all researchers to share links to their timing projects on ResearchGate with us. We will collate information about all projects in order to share them with the TRF community on ResearchGate and beyond.

Please email us your project link at trf@timingforum.org


VII. Timing Meetings in 2017

Experimental Psychology Society on Modularity in Time Perception and Timed Behavior

January 19; Liverpool, UK


Neurosciences and Music VI: Music, Sound and Health

June 15-18; Boston, USA


Rhythm Perception and Production Workshop

July 3-5; Birmingham, UK


European Society for Cognitive Science of Music

July 31 – Aug. 4; Ghent, Belgium


1st Conference of the Timing Research Forum

October 23 – 25; Strasbourg, France


For further details on these timing meetings, please visit – https://timingforum.org/timing-meetings/.


If you are organizing or aware of any other meetings focused on timing, please let us know at trf@timingforum.org.
VII. Contributions

TRF aims to host timing related resources, so that TRF‘s website will be the one stop for everything related to timing. Currently, the TRF website has these resources: all members’ publications, timing related special issues, and books on timing, a list of meetings focused on timing, a list of timing related societies/groups, as well as code and mentoring resources.

We ask all of you to contribute to these resources. Please send us (email at trf@timingforum.org) any omissions that we might have or any new information that should be added.

TRF is based on the idea of sharing information freely between its’ members so as to advance timing research and group collaborations. Thus, we encourage all of you to share with us any of the above resources that you might have and/or suggest new resources that we should add and circulate within the community.

VIII. Suggestions

We thank all of you for supporting this community and hope that you will continue to do so in the future. As we continuously emphasize, TRF is meant to be open to all timing researchers with the aim of sharing ideas and advancing the current state of the art. Thus, we are open to any suggestions or ideas that will help TRF grow and advance.

We have already established many ways (website, mailing list, resources etc.) to discuss the current state and the future of TRF and these tools will become more active in the coming months. We look  forward to your feedback!

With best wishes,

Sundeep Teki                                          

University of Oxford                                   



Argiro Vatakis

Cognitive Systems Research Institute



Timing Research Forum

Web:            timingforum.org

Email:          trf@timingforum.org

Twitter:        twitter.com/timingforum

Facebook:   facebook.com/timingresearchforum

Author: Argie