The next Journal Club will be in April 24th. Register here!
Interested in these talks? Register here!
If you are interested in presenting your recent timing paper to the wider TRF community, please fill in this form to nominate yourself or other scientists.
Check out the past talks on YouTube!
- March 27th, 2024
- Lydia Liapi, Panteion University, Greece: Time perception in film viewing as a function of film editing.
- Marianna Lamprou Kokolaki, Paris Saclay University, France: Distinctive features of experiential time: Duration, speed and event density
- Feb 28th, 2024
- Assaf Breska, Max-Planck institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany: Neurocognitive mechanisms of implicit timing in dynamic environments: challenging oscillatory entrainment and cortico-centered models
- Jan 29th, 2024
- Rania Tachmatzidou, Panteion University, Greece: The role of spatial and contextual relations of real world objects in interval timing
- Jelle van der Werff, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy: Humans extract underlying rhythm from purportedly ‘random’ sequences
- Dec 13th, 2023
- Max Di Luca, University of Birmingham, UK: Bayesian expectation in the perception of the timing of stimulus sequences.
- Nov 29th, 2023
- Mattia Rosso, Ghent University, IPEM Institute for Systematic Musicology, Belgium: Event-related frequency adjustment (ERFA): A methodology for investigating neural entrainment.
- Samuel Post, University of California, Riverside, USA: Neural Mechanisms of Subsecond Temporal Encoding in Primary Visual Cortex
- Oct 25th, 2023
- Martin Wiener, George Mason University, STAR Lab, USA: Memorability shapes perceived time and vice versa.
- Sept 27th, 2023
- Sandra Stojic, Eötvös Lorand University, Hungary: Children and adults rely on different heuristics for estimations of durations.
- Dr. Ashley Schormans, BrainsCAN, Western University: Using rodents to investigate the neural basis of audiovisual temporal processing and perception.
- May 31st,2023
- Keri Anne Gladhill, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida: The Effects of Movement Parameters on Time Perception
- Tomas Lenc, Institute of Neuroscience, UCLouvain, Belgium: Internal representation of musical rhythm: transformation from sound to periodic beat
- April 19th, 2023
- Dr Domenica Bueti, SISSA, Trieste, Italy: A sense without sensors: how non-temporal stimulus features influence the perception and the neural representation of time.
- March 29th, 2023
- Tutku Öztel, Koç University, Istanbul: Effect of Different Influences on Temporal Error Monitoring.
- February 22nd, 2023
- Anne Giersch, INSERM Laboratory, Strasbourg, France: Time and self: what can we do experimentally? The case of psychosis.
- January 25th, 2023
- Saeedeh Sadeghi, Cornell University, New York: Does subjective time interact with the heart rate?
- Antonio Criscuolo, Maastricht University, the Netherlands: Sampling the environment with body-brain rhythms.
- December 14th, 2022: watch here!
- Benjamin Morillon, Aix Marseille University, France: Motor contribution to auditory temporal predictions.
- November 23th, 2022: watch here!
- Hugo Merchant, National Autonomous University of Mexico: Pitch and time interact in auditory perception.
- October 26th, 2022: watch here!
- Jesse Pazdera, McMaster University, Canada: Pitch and time interact in auditory perception
- Maxine Sherman, University of Sussex, UK: Trial by trial predictions of subjective time from human brain activity.
- September 28th, 2022: watch here!
- Evi Hendrikx, Universiteit Utrechet, Netherlands: Hierarchical transformation of visual event timing representations in the human brain.
- Ishan Singhal, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur: Time as its own representation? Exploring a link between timing of cognition and time perception.
- May 25th, 2022:
- Valérie Doyère, CNRS & Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience (NeuroPSI): Hidden secrets behind rats’ timing behaviour.
- March 15th, 2022: watch here!
- Marc Howard, Boston University: Time as a continuous dimension in natural and artificial networks.
- February 23rd, 2022: watch here!
- Allison Hamilos, Assad Lab, Harvard University: Dynamic dopaminergic signaling probabilistically controls the timing of self-timed movements.
- Francois R. Foerster, Giersch Lab, INSERM U1114: Neurocognitive mechanisms of enhanced implicit temporal processing in action video game players.
- January 26th, 2022: watch here!
- Andre Gravo, Federal University of ABC: Neural correlates of temporal processing in humans
- December 15th, 2021: watch here!
- Nicolas Meirhaeghe, Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone: A precise and adaptive neural mechanism for predictive temporal processing in the frontal cortex.
- Nir Ofir, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Neural signature for accumulated evidence underlying temporal decisionsiming errors and decision making.
- November 30th, 2021: watch here!
- Fuat Balci, University of Manitoba: Timing errors and decision making.
- May 26th, 2021:
- Sundeep Teki, co-funder of TRF: Careers in academia, industry and startups based on his diverse experience, insights and advice on career decision making for ECRs.
- April 21st, 2021: watch here!
- Alexandre Celma-Miralles, Aarhus University, USA: Tapping the beat of four subdivisions: Neural entrainment, musical training and the binary advantage.
- Tanya Gupta, Arizona State University, USA: The structure of behavior entrained to long intervals.
- March 23rd, 2021: watch here!
- Jim Heys, University of Utah, USA: A distinct subcircuit in medial entorhinal cortex mediates learning of interval timing behavior during immobility.
- February 17th, 2021: watch here!
- Austin Bruce, University of Iowa, USA: Experience-dependent remapping of temporal encoding by striatal ensembles.
- Dr. Jonathan Cannon, MIT, USA: The shared predictive roots of motor control and beat-based timing.
- January 21st, 2021: watch here!
- Dr. Patrick Simen, Oberlin College, USA: How to simulate and analyze drift-diffusion models of timing and decision making.
- December 17th, 2020: watch here!
- Benjamin de Corte, University of Iowa, USA (PI: John Freeman & Krystal Parker): How does the cortex integrate conflicting time-information? A model of temporal averaging.
- Rose de Kock, University of California, USA (PI: Wilsaan Joiner): Slowing down the body slows down time (perception).
- November 30th, 2020: watch here!
- Dr. Ruth Ogden, School of Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, UK: Blursday again! What Covid-19 might tell us about real-world time experience.