Aniruddh Patel is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at Tufts University, who studies...
Anne Giersch studied medicine and specialized in psychiatry before doing a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience,...
Jenny Coull is a CNRS Senior Research Fellow and has been at Aix-Marseille University in...
Dear all, We are pleased to share the September 2017 Newsletter of the Timing Research...
Warren Meck obtained a B.A. degree in psychology from the University of California, San...
Dean Buonomano is Professor at the Departments of Neurobiology and Psychology, University of California Los Angeles....
ABSTRACT DEADLINE EXTENDED TO MAY 5, 2017 The abstract deadline for the 1st Conference of...
Call for TRF Associate Members TRF is a community by us for us. It’s success,...
We are pleased to share an article recently published in Frontiers in Neuroscience [download] that led...
Submission deadline: October 15, 2016 The “Neuromusic” Community (researchers, clinicians, therapists, educators and musicians) is invited to...