Time in Tokyo: International Symposium on temporal perception and experience

From Dr. Warrick Roseboom:

We are excited to announce and open submissions for the Time in Tokyo meeting 2016, to be held on October 11-12th 2016 in Tokyo, Japan. This meeting aims to provide a setting for the leading researchers on temporal perception and experience to present and openly discuss their recent progress on this fundamental issue.
The scope of potential submissions encompasses all disciplines interested in perception and experience of time and we expect to include, though are not limited to, human and animal behavioural and neuroscientific, artificial systems, and philosophical approaches. We will soon announce several key guest speakers.

The meeting will consist of both talk and poster presentations and will have no registration fee. Submissions should be via email to: time.in.tokyo@gmail.com. For those who wish to attend but require financial assistance to do so, limited funding is available and can be discussed with the organising committee before or at submission.


11th-12th October 2016


University of Tokyo, Komaba Research Campus, ENOS hall

Planned Speakers

Warrick Roseboom (University of Sussex)

Ryota Kanai (Araya Brain Imaging)

Jun Tani (KAIST)

Takashi Ikegami (University of Tokyo)

Shigeru Kitazawa (Osaka University)

(more to follow…)


Abstract submissions: time.in.tokyo AT gmail.com (Abstracts should be no more than 300 words. Specify if you would prefer to be considered for a talk or poster only)

Any other queries : time.in.tokyo AT gmail.com or wjroseboom AT gmail.com or k.suzuki AT sussex.ac.uk.

Author: Argie